Wednesday, 2 October 2013

IMAGINE: Church For Only Celebrities Open In Nairobi Kenya

The church will use a hall at the Laico
Regency, a five-star hotel frequented by
the who's who in Kenya. The church
wants to preach the gospel to musicians,
actors, sports stars, top politicians and
corporate chiefs. Churches mostly
frequented by VIPs in Nairobi include
Mavuno, Nairobi Pentecostal Church
(Valley Road) and Jesus Celebration
Centre (JCC). According to the senior
pastor of All-Star Church Catherine
Munene, the church is for "high-end
Christians who cannot go to River Road
churches." When the church was
inaugurated during the sept 23 Sunday
service, top names in corporate and
political world were part of the
congregation. They included former
Kenya Big Brother contestant and now
Ziwani county rep, Millicent Mugadi.
Governor Evans Kidero was expected to
attend All-Star's first service but he was
said to have attended the Sotokoto
Marathon. Pastor Esther Obasike led
the opening service. All-Star's Pastor
Munene, told The Nairobian, "We are
not looking for celebrities or hunting
for them. But we are encouraging them
to come as we are offering what is
relevant." She also dismissed claims that
she had been given the church hall for
free by the Libya-owned hotel. "We are
paying a lot of money which of course I
cannot disclose. Please don't listen to
rumours that could destroy my church. I
know media houses destroy churches
and if The Nairobian does this we will
deal with you. We are very powerful,"
she said as she invited the writer to
attend one of her services. Pastor
Munene has been an evangelist for 10
years before starting her own church
two months ago.

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