Friday, 17 January 2014

Uganda President Yoweri Museveni Refuses To Approve Uganda's Anti-Gay Law

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni has refused to
approve a controversial bill to toughen punishments for
homosexuals. The bill includes life imprisonment for
homosexual acts and also makes it a crime not to
report gay people.
Rather he has written to the parliamentary speaker
criticising her for passing it in December without a
quorum. Homosexuals were "abnormal" or were so for
"mercenary reasons" and could be "rescued",
a local paper quotes his letter as saying.
According to The BBC's Catherine Byaruhanga in the
capital, Kampala, the president is aware that if he
signs the bill there will be an international outcry,
which could see some countries suspend aid to the
Mr Museveni is trying to reach a compromise with MPs,
as if he refuses to sign the bill, parliament can still
force it through with a two-thirds vote.

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